Surprise #Countdown! My #debut #darkfantasy #YA #novel Fallen #Princeborn: Stolen will be #FREE on #Halloween!

Eight years of writing. Rewriting. Creating. Destroying. Crying. Laughing. Dreaming.

Now, after all those years, it’s just a couple more days until Fallen Princeborn: Stolen is released.

Let’s get into the mood for tricks and treats by stepping out and enjoying the bounteous harvest of pumpkins…and fellow writers. πŸ™‚

My many, many thanks to these comrades in words for sharing their thoughts on my writing, or letting me share a bit of myself on their sites.

Writer and reader Cath Humphris provided a lovely book review of one of myΒ Tales of the River VineΒ some time ago.Β I’d love to share it here now!





Laurel Wanrow_author photo

Fellow Indie fantasy author Laurel Wanrow interviewed me on her site not too long ago. Read it here!






Painter and writer Sue Vincent invited me to share some imagery from Wisconsin and how the landscape inspires my writing.Β Check out the post here!





More guest post links and reviews will be harvested and shared over the next few days. If you have already read one of my stories, I’d love to hear what you think! There’s plenty of room on Goodreads and Amazon for your thoughts.

Read on, share on, and write on, my friends!

15 thoughts on “Surprise #Countdown! My #debut #darkfantasy #YA #novel Fallen #Princeborn: Stolen will be #FREE on #Halloween!

  1. Pingback: Surprise #Countdown! My #debut #darkfantasy #YA #novel Fallen #Princeborn: Stolen will be #FREE on #Halloween! β€” Jean Lee’s World – Earth Balm Creative

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