The #parenting and #writing #lifeathome: #Music to #write by, #laugh by, and #hope by.

I have a feeling I’m not the only one sharing in this sentiment.

Under the original 30-day lockdown, restrictions would have been lifted enough for my kids to return to school today. With the governor’s edict extending the lockdown until late May, though, this hope was dashed. Yes, I get it’s for a good reason, but I hope you can forgive that in the midst of working at home while also teaching at home while also parenting at home while also writing at home while also EVERYTHING at home…sometimes, this whole “life at home” brings out the grumps in adults and kids alike.

We have to fight back those grumps and create reasons to smile, and there’s no weapon quite like music. Even maniacal little villains like Plankton can’t resist the lure of a good song!

The “F.U.N. Song” ends at 1:15–no pressure to hear whatever else they tagged on here. πŸ™‚

Sometimes that smile comes from a return to the classics. Bo loves watching the Marx Brothers with the three Bs. Of course, all their favorite parts involve Harpo.

I dug through my old CDs and gave the kiddos my albums from the oddball 90s show Cartoon Planet, a mix of sketches and songs featuring characters out of the 60s Hanna Barbara cartoon Space Ghost. One of their songs would be pretty catchy in today’s environment, methinks…

But we don’t want to laugh so often we go, you know, nuts. It’s important to have music that inspires us to move even when the world has bolted its doors and shuttered its windows. We’ve got to revel in the rhythm of spring and remember that life must move forward, if not in the way we are used to.

Music takes us out of the Here and into a New-There far away from our walls and windows. Scores like Philip Glass’ latest can re-focus the mind’s eye on a land like or unlike our own, a place eerily familiar save for that one strange, fantastical, unearthly, supernatural, magical, unreal thing.

Music is also a powerful weapon in the endless war for mental health. Anxiety grinds, but music lifts. It hugs the heart. It revives our hope.

And then comes the rare moment, be it in the early morning or late evening, when peace settles upon the mind. Such is the time perfect for connecting with you, fellow kindred spirits. You are the tireless Calcifer to my exhausted Howl. You are the warm hearth in this cold dark world.

We must not lose our music to the silence of uncertainty, Friends. Keep hunting for that inspiration to smile, hope, and create so you may help bring others one step closer to a brighter world.

Picture by Bash, April 2020


Yes, I did take my kids to a bunch of cemeteries, and yes, I’ll share more about that next week. You can also see what my three little Bs are up to as I revise our schedule YET AGAIN to get through their final month of school…while I begin an academic journey all my own.

Read on, share on, and write on, my friends!

35 thoughts on “The #parenting and #writing #lifeathome: #Music to #write by, #laugh by, and #hope by.

  1. I feel your pain… It’s got to be tough. I think you are right about music being there to help re-centre us. A wonderful article – thank you for the uplifting message, Jean. In the middle of all you are having to battle through – I’m so grateful you chose to demonstrate HOW I CAN, rather than HOW I CAN’T. Which I wouldn’t have blamed you for – but it just goes to prove your awareness of the feelings of others at a tricky time. Sending virtual hugs your way, my friend. Stay safe.xxxxxx

    Liked by 3 people

    • Aw, many thanks, SJ, and you stay safe, too! I’ve been a HUGE grump today, but tomorrow will be a better day, because it won’t be today πŸ™‚

      But on an up note, Biff rode his two-wheeler bike without trainers on today! Almost crashed into a light pole,but still, lol

      Liked by 2 people

      • I know what you mean – I’ve woken up with that grumpy, Monday morning feeling on Tuesday. And it’s raining and though it’s overdue and really needed, the low light levels and resultant drop in temperature has brought me down. There’s also some crappy family stuff bubbling away in the background that isn’t helping, either…

        Yay for Biff riding his bicycle – always a major milestone:)). I hope that today feels a LOT better than yesterday for you, just as I’m hoping that tomorrow will feel better for me, my friend.xxxx

        Liked by 1 person

      • I pray it will be so for you, too! Yes, today was just, ugh, a meltdown. I’m praying I can keep my cool and get through today without too much fighting. Fingers crossed and turning thrice widdershins! xxxxxxxx


  2. It must be hard with three nippers. The balance twixt sprog managment and the entire other side of your life, not easy. I know from passed experience ‘sprogs’ never somehow get to open the door to the entire other side of one’s life, thus making it a whole. I never did discover why that is so. Best wishes, The Old Fool

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is bloody hard, but we are managing, Master Steeden, to be sure. With all the ingredients of life all mushed together like a bad Midwestern casserole, I’m just feeling…well, not sated. More like grumpy with indigestion, blech. But like indigestion, it’ll pass in time πŸ™‚


  3. My friend I so understand this. I really do and I’ve got it so easy with having just one kid. We have been indulging in a Red Dwarf, Fawlty Towers and Python. Keep this to yourself AND Deadpool 2. Bad bad parent. It’s so important that we keep laughing and trying to live for the moment. Musically I find myself these strange days drifting to somber and bleak music. Pink Floyd, Leonard Cohen, later years Johnny Cash and bleak soundtracks. Soundtracks like Macbeth by Jed Kurzel. Stay safe, keep dreaming, keep living. Many Yorkshire hugs. xxx

    Liked by 2 people

    • LOL No, I won’t tell about Deadpool, though that is a funny one. If they make you two laugh, then it’s worth it! I’ve got some Leonard Cohen stashed somewhere, I should find it…but yeah, it’s damn hard. But if everyone’s safe, then the sanity will come back sometime, won’t it? Gosh, I hope so…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Ahh, thank you for the Marx brothers. I don’t remember to look for them, and then you remind me πŸ™‚ I hope that Monday feeling has dissipated now. The cure certainly worked for me!

    I think you’re doing an excellent job. I’m impressed by your ability to juggle.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Cath! Oh, we’ll see how I juggle when I take on yet another education ball. It is going to be NUTSo.
      But yes, do look up the Marx Brothers! I love it when Zeppo’s in the mix; the films without him just don’t feel as zany.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Ooooh, goodness. Like it. I’m getting restless. I listen to Alice in Chains and write bad poetry. Then there’s one of my favorites: shooting pix of flies on the deck. But, I’m fine. I’m perfectly fine…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You are doing so well to ‘look on the bright side of life’ (Monty Python reference). I really enjoyed your tunes, I was listening this morning, then went outside to do a little bit of gardening in the beautiful autumn day we have here.
    Happy Tuesday to you Jean. Hang in there at home. It won’t be forever πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  7. We’re definitely allowed to be angry about the circumstances and still do the right thing. My family and I are ordering in tonight for a treat, and its literally all I’ve been able to think about since yesterday. It feels like a connection to the outside world, and I don’t want to miss it! πŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

  8. And here we are at Friday that looks very much like Monday as far as things to do except we have two days off of work to play our music and paint our paintings and draw our drawings and write our writings. May it be a creative one for you, my dear. xo

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Pingback: Sunday Post – 3rd May, 2020 #Brainfluffbookblog #SundayPost | Brainfluff

  10. Pingback: Another Escape From This #LifeatHome, Plus Other Updates On Goals for #SchoolatHome And #WriteatHome | Jean Lee's World

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