Special #December #Podcast Series! Blondie Shares #TwelveDays of #MiddleGrade #ReadingRecommendations: Scary Stories for Young Foxes by @cmheidicker

Welcome back, my fellow creatives! I’ve always been thrilled to see how much my three little Bs love to read, but it makes my heart melt to hear my daughter Blondie say she wants to do a podcast with me to share her favorite books. When I said we could make a little “12 Days of Christmas” style series in December, Blondie whipped through her books and picked twelve for us to study. She even designed our banner with her favorite fantasy creature. x

So here we are! I’m blessed to have such amazing kindred spirits in my life, and I am so very blessed to have a daughter who loves storytelling as much as I do.

On the ninth day of Blondie’s Books, my daughter gave to me:

Scary Stories for Young Foxes by Christian McKay Heidicker

What does a reader experience in those opening pages, and what lessons can a writer take away in studying but a few paragraphs? Let’s find out!

Why did you pick this book, Blondie?

I picked this book at first because I like a scary story now and then and I LOVE FOXES! I read it and it is now one of my favorites!! The stories progressively get creepier and creepier each chapter. It is a good book for the spook and animal lovers.

Stay tuned for more storytellin’ and carol-singin’!

Read on, share on, and write on, my friends!

13 thoughts on “Special #December #Podcast Series! Blondie Shares #TwelveDays of #MiddleGrade #ReadingRecommendations: Scary Stories for Young Foxes by @cmheidicker

  1. I learned a new word! I didn’t know it was a skulk of foxes. We used to see a few urban foxes in Liverpool (UK) and I lived in one flat where there was a SKULK of foxes living under the building. What strange sounds they made!

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